Friday, 21 August 2015

Raspberry Poo

Re-format the micro SD card.

Copy Raspbian to it.

Boot in RPi and set up.

Uninstall loads of unwanted stuff, and prepare to make it a read only FS.

Set up WiFi static connection.

Install required stuff (after finding out what it is again).
plus installing libi2c-dev

Get VisualGDB connecting and building to the RPi again.
(different version of Raspbian so need to resync libs and include files)

Call it a good days work, reboot the RPi before shutting it down to backup the SD card.

Kernal panic... unhandled exception in interrupt handler... can't boot it at all...

Yet another trashed FS, this time it didn't even take a power cut, just a reboot.


That micro SD card has now been stabbed and thrown in the bin. Faulty card? Poor micro SD to SD card adapter? RPs just don't like micro SD cards?

Time to investigate which Arduino has 16 analog inputs, one PWM output (they all have) and another 11 digital outputs.

For now I've dug out an old 4GB proper SD card, see if that will work for more than 48 hours.


  1. Maybe it is not the card, but the Pi itself?

  2. Maybe it is not the card, but the Pi itself?

  3. It could be, Mark.

    I've searched in regards to the problem and there are a few people experiencing the same kind of thing, and a lot more saying they've used a RPi for ages, simply killing the power when they turn it off, and never had a problem.

    There is a *lot* of discussion on which cards are compatible, some work fine with one distribution and the exact same card has problems with another distribution.

    I know on a PC Linux bypasses the BIOS code using it's own libraries to do basic I/O, faster but more work to create and potential for bugs. I wonder if this is the cause of these problems on RPis?

  4. FWIW I have a Raspberry Pi with an older version of Raspbian (?) sitting at my mother's house as a place to remote into. I think it's a 4GB full sized SD card.

    It gets power cycled whenever she unplugs the PSU to plug in her hoover or the cat bats it about. I've never had any issues with the filesystem getting corrupted AFAIK.

  5. Yup.

    Using an old slow SD card now and it's OK so far.

    Now found that the ADC is far too slow, like 250mS per switch to channel & conversion.

    Rewritten the software for Arduino, 52 channels that work upto 10khz. Will do me. (The display code will be more complicated though)
